Monday, July 22, 2013

New round

Starting weight: 177.4 lbs
Day 3: 175 lbs (-2.4 lbs)
Day 4: 173.2 lbs (-4.2 lbs)
Day 5: 172.2 lbs (-5 lbs)
Day 6: 172.2 lbs (same)
Day 7: 173.5 lbs ( +1.3 lbs)
Day 8:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Getting past roadblocks

I am on day 11 and doing fairly well, weight is coming down slowly but its still coming down. I just realized how far I've come. My whole family has done wonderfully on HcG especially my Uncle Bob who is the first person we saw the results and can't believe how awesome it's been for him. To tell you the truth, HcG has saved my family's lives. Uncle Bob is an amazing person but every time I saw him in the past I was really worried about him. He had (notice I said had) sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and all around just couldn't do anything. He would become winded when he came up the stairs and sweating with little exercise. I was really worried about him. His wife Shan is the opposite but had a health scare which made it so she could no longer exercise without losing her breath. They found a tumor the size of your fist in her sternum area that was wrapped around her windpipe and attached to her thyroid. After surgery to remove it, it turned out to be non cancerous thank goodness but she had gained quite a bit of unwanted weight and found the HcG diet which both her and Bob decided to do. She has gotten back to her healthy weight and self and on top of it Bob lost 70 lbs! He has reduced all his meds, I haven't asked him but I'm sure his apnea and hypertension are better and he is walking/running half marathons and exercising all the time. I am so proud of them both! 

After seeing their success my older sister Shannon who has had many downs and situations where she had gained a lot of weight decided she needed to do this for herself to get healthy and feel better about herself. My dad said he would do it with her as support and together they have lost a lot of weight. My Dad lost 47 lbs and has had to buy all new clothes. He looks amazing! My older sister is still in the process of losing but last time I talked to her she has lost 43 lbs! I saw her after church the other day and she had this cute dress and you can just see her confidence and when I asked where she got her dress she told me and said it was a size medium :) I almost cried. So amazing!

It's a trickle effect: After seeing their success I started HcG and have lost 30 lbs total and am at my smallest I've been since I think before I got married and had 3 kids. I'm still looking to lose around 17 more lbs for my goal weight but I'm getting there and every day it comes off. I feel amazing!

This has trickled down to my older sister Erin. Now Erin has had a huge struggle in the past 4 years and that has equaled to gaining more then she ever thought she would gain. I have been talking her through all her struggles which included losing two pregnancies in late gestation which one is hard but two was just heart wrenching. If that wasn't hard adding in her husband who already has two degrees in teaching deciding that the work just wasn't there and he needed to go back to school in a totally different field was hard but she was so supportive and they both jumped in with two feet. All the stress and sacrifice she gained a lot. I won't say how much but for her 5'3" frame it was obese and way more for her frame to carry but with all the loss and sacrifice she carried it and kept her family going. Both her and her husband Graham have finally come out of school with a great job for Graham and things are going up so they decided to try HcG for themselves as well and its amazing the results they have had so far. Graham so far has lost 48.2 lbs (still wanting to lose more) and Erin has hit the 40 lbs lost mark. She has over 120 lbs to lose total so 40 lbs is a lot but still small compared to the big picture. I think the biggest thing for Erin is finding herself. She has sent me pics as she's lost and every picture her face changes. The first two you could feel her shame and uncomfortable feeling like I hate taking these pictures because I feel awful and fat. The latest picture you can see the glimmer of hope and a little smirk like things are getting better and that she's refinding herself. I can't wait to see her final picture, she is one of my favorite people and inspires me every day with her strength. 

I am hoping through seeing all our success that my younger sister who has had even more struggles over the years decides she wants to join us. I love her and want to see her healthy and happy so she can take care of her special little family. We will see and I will update if/when she decides to do it. 

I am excited for our family to take family pictures when we reach our goals and can finally have a happy healthy picture to post on my mom's wall of pictures. So much better then the ones when we were heavier. Here's to a happy and healthy new year this year! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Round Three Weight

Day 3 after Fat Load: 164.4 lbs
Day 4: 160.1 lbs
Day 5: 159.6 lbs
Day 6: 158 lbs
Day 7: 157.8 lbs
Day 8: 159. 2 lbs
Day 9: 157.8 lbs
Day 10: 156.6 lbs
Day 11: 155.8 lbs
Day 12: 

Rewind and start again. . .

That was fun lets do it again! And this time with more feeling! :) Christmas and New Years was rough, last round was pretty much a fail. I lost 12 lbs or so but gained it all back over Christmas and New Years which I pretty much expected to happen so I'm not too sad. It's time to get back on track now. This morning I feel like garbage, detox headaches and crankiness aside, I feel pretty good and ready to reach my final weight loss goal which is to be 140 lbs. I got as low as 152.2 lbs the last fake round lol. It didn't stay that way very long before I was back up in weight. Hopefully it'll come back off rather quickly this time and I can get to where I want to be. Wish me luck that I make it through the next couple days without being a total bear. Lets do this!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

30 lbs!

I officially broke the 30 lbs lost mark yesterday. Its an amazing feeling knowing I've come this far and am so close to the end! I am so excited for a new me that feels good and has energy and all around just has a better outlook on life. No more fat suit! Now here's a comparison photo. What a difference 30 lbs makes! As of this morning I have 14.4 lbs until my goal of 140 lbs. I might have to wait until the new year to finish up reaching that goal but I love feeling like I will look fabulous for my family pictures and NOT the fat one this time. Here's to an awesome new me and you! Are you giving yourself the gift of health this Christmas? I know I am!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Weight - Round 2

Day 1 and 2: Fat Loads
Day 3: 163.8 lbs
Day 4: 162 lbs
Day 5: 158.8 lbs
Day 6: 157.6 lbs
Day 7: 157.4 lbs
Day 8: 156.4 lbs
Day 9: 156.2 lbs
Day 14: 154.4 lbs
Day 15: 154 lbs
Day 16: 153.4 lbs
Day 17: 152.8 lbs

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day One of Round 2

The last couple of days I have done my fat load for round 2. Time to get started on new pictures and weight.

Starting weight: 163.8 lbs after fat load
Goal Weight after 21 days: 140 lbs
Total Goal Weight Loss: 23.8 lbs (may change depending on how I feel about my weight as I go)

 Front View
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